Friday, October 29, 2010

Make Now Bake Later

I love baking but there are times I don't feel like it or I just don't have enough time. I've always wanted to try to freeze cupcakes. I know you can bake cupcakes and THEN freeze them but I've always been to nervous because I want them to still taste fresh when eaten. I recently came across this website with 3 ways to freeze cupcake batter! That means all you have to do is mix all the ingredients now and then bake them later. Now any one of these three ideas will work just fine, however I prefer to stick with the first or third ways just because they are easier and less time is involved of course. I recently tried out the first way, freezing the batter in the wrappers and I LOVED IT! This is a great option to use if you have unexpected company coming or your short on time. They go from freezer to oven and that's it. You can then either whip up your favorite frosting or use a pre-made store brand kind.
For option 1, Freeze batter in wrappers, you make your cupcake batter as directed, line your muffin trays like normal, and then fill the cups. Cover with plastic wrap tightly (so it doesn't drag on the surface) and freeze. Once frozen, remove tray and toss the cupcakes into a ziploc bag and remove as much air as possible. When your ready to bake them put them back in the muffin tin and you can either allow them to come to room temperature before baking or leave them in the oven for an extra 5 to 7 minutes. See super easy!!

Frozen cupcake batter

Put frozen cups in freezer bag and throw them in the freezer for a rainy day, or a day your craving cupcakes but don't want to do the dirty work.

I put my frozen cupcakes straight into the oven while it was preheating, once the oven had reached the desired temperature I baked them for the same time normally needed.

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