Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cubs Grooms Cake

This week I made my first grooms cake!!

I'm intimidated by anything wedding related, that's a lot of pressure. I mean there are a lot of people that will see your work and your works going to be photographed which will be looked back on for years and years and years.  Yikes!
The majority of the pressure is put on by myself. But this week I stepped up to the plate (no pun intended :)) and finished my first grooms cake. The bride requested a baseball theme related to the Cubs. She really like the first birthday baseball cake I made earlier this year. I made a White Vanilla cake for the glove with vanilla buttercream and a Triple Chocolate for the base (chocolate cake, chocolate filling with chocolate chips and chocolate buttercream), covered in marshmallow fondant.
A true Cubs fan's most famous line it "There's Always Next Year" so it seems fitting for the bride to tell her groom on his cake "Glad I Didn't Have To Wait Till Next Year!".
Congratulations Sarah and Mattie!  I hope you enjoyed your wedding day, it's was an absolutely beautiful day for a wedding ;)


  1. Thank you so much! That was the best cake of all time!!!!! It was perfect with our whole family being Cardinals fans! Everyone loved the look and even better loved the taste! What a talent!

  2. Thanks Sarah! Glad you enjoyed it, I had fun making it. I was totally thrown off by your new last name lol, (it takes some getting use to!). Congrats again!!
